Arunoday Singh, Indian film actor who belongs to the Royal Family and grand son of former MP of CM of MP Mr. Arjun Singh, was married Lee Elton in 2016. Lee Elton was of Canadian origin. Before marriage, both Arunoday and Elton had lived in a long Live-In relation together. Lee is known for his...
Arunoday Singh, Indian film actor who belongs to the Royal Family and grand son of former MP of CM of MP Mr. Arjun Singh, was married Lee Elton in 2016. Lee Elton was of Canadian origin. Before marriage, both Arunoday and Elton had lived in a long Live-In relation together. Lee is known for his bold Lifestyle. On 5th of November Arjun Singh will be celebrating his birthday. Arunoday Singh is son of Ajay Singh Son of Ex CM of Madhya Pradesh Arjun Singh.
Arunoday’s wife Lee Elton is from Goa and She also has a café in Goa Too.
It’s been said that Arunoday’s Wife Lee Elton like to live modern day bold lifestyle and this is for what she is famous too on social media.
She wants to live within nature and has keen interest in travelling new places. She also have emotional attachments to animal especially dogs are more favorite to her.
Lee Elton is famous in social media for sharing her personal photos and activities.
Here are some photos of Lee Elton, Arunoday’s Wife after seeing them you will also know how much she likes the modern culture.
Arunoday Singh is the elder son of Ex CM Arjun Singh’s Son Ajay Singh. Arjun Singh was one of biggest leaders of Congress and He was the heir to the Churahat principality of the “Seedhi” district.
Arunoday has been playing a supporting actor in Bollywood movies for a long time. However, he has not got any major success so far.
– He has appeared in the role of bollywood movies like Mr. X, Jism-2, Ungali, Ye Sali Zindagi, Me Tera Hero, Ek Bura Aadmi Sikandar, and Mohan Jodaro in Villain’s roll.
In ‘MohanJo daro’, he was in the upholsted role of Hrithik, though most of his films were badly beaten at the box office.
Arunoday’s father and his other relatives are currently very active in politics.
Originally Published On Social Sach
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